Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Wonders Of Something New

I don't know you, but this always happens to me whenever I enter a new page: I get crazy clicking everything until my tabs are smaller than my index finger, spending hours customizing my profile, discovering every last corner of the page and figuring it out. It's always very exciting. Then, after all that time spent, you notice you haven't eaten a thing and start remembering all the things you had to do.

It's the same with everything else in life; something new means adventure.

So, this is how I start this new adventure; by talking about new adventures and how I've spent long hours looking for a nice template (On which I gave up...).

I just hope it last for a long while. I was never good with diaries or saying what's on my mind or simply writing. I'm also known for getting a hype of something for some months and then leaving it for a long while until I'm in the mood again... And so on, so on.

Remember: Life is an adventure.

*queue Mufasa's theme*

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