Sunday, July 22, 2012

Amazing Artists | Week 3: lone-momo

This week I'm showing you the fantastical lone-momo; the very first artists I loved with all my heart. This is one of those artists that I start watching his gallery and immediately feel inspired.

I love everything about his art: style, colors, drawing, composition, etc. I'm just so awed every time I look at his painting & drawing technique I could stay here for hours staring at a single piece of his gallery. Which is what attracts me more about him; the drawing that doesn't really needs to be colored or finished cause it's flawless. Even a sketch is amazing.

His characters are alive, dynamic and intriguing... And those hairs!  So here's an example of the awesomeness:

|    Colored    |

|    Un-Colored    |

And here you have a lil bonus of 3 Fan Arts:

Visit his Deviant Art & blog for more spectacular art!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Amazing Artists | Week 2: viria13

If you have internet and you constantly use it plus you are in the Harry Potter, Last Airbender/Korra, Doctor Who or Percy Jackson fandom and you don't know who viria13 is or haven't seen one of her works... What the actual hell have you been doing with your life?

Viria13 is the epitome of Harry Potter and ATLA/LoK fan art artist. She's like the mother fan artists of these 2 fandoms or something. Sure, there are a LOT of people who do fan art for these, but what makes viria13 special is that she practically updates constantly and her fan arts are actually pretty. damn. good. (She also sometimes do some fashion stuff and I die).

These are not the only things she does tho, like I mentioned above, she also does Doctor Who and Percy Jackson fan art along with some Disney, How To Train Your Dragon, some more fandoms and stuff of her own. And they're all good. (Still waiting for more of those mermaids...)

So, prepare your inner fandom girl (or boy?) 'cause her art will speak for me:

| Harry Potter |

| Avatar: Last Airbender / Legend of Korra |

| Other Fandoms |

| Bonus |

You seriously have to stalk her DeviantArt and Tumblr 'cause there's SO much MORE fan arts & amazing stuff from her.